Mommy's friend Beth "tagged" me, so here are 6 random facts about me. (Knox can do it when he gets bigger).
1. I love order, and I want everything to be in its place and neat. Tonight Mommy got some chili on her shirt, and I just couldn't stand it. I wanted her to clean it now!
2. I always want to know where everyone is at all times. I probably ask mommy where people are at least 200 times a day, even when I know the answer. "Where daddy go, where Pammy go, where Knox go, where Honey go?" etc...
3. I have become the major teacher's pet at school. When Mommy picks me up, I am always at the door chatting with the teachers. They think that I am very popular because I say hi to all the people that walk by the room. I love school, and when we get in the car, I say "more school mommy."
4. I love ice cream. When you ask me what flavor i want, I say vanilla. Then when I eat the vanilla, I say chocolate. If Pops is with me, he caves and gets me the chocolate too.
5. My baby dolls are all named for my grandparents. Baby Paula, Baby Pam, Baby Don and Baby Larry. I know which one is which even though they all look very similar. I go through different phases of which is my favorite. Baby Don was the favorite today.
6. I love my friends and family more than anything. I talk about them all the time and always want to go see them. I love to "call" them on my pretend phone and talk, especially Coco and Abby. If it were up to me, we would never be at home, we would always be at one of my friends houses. And if you tell me that I am going to see one of my friends, and then I don't get to, get ready for a fit.
Ok, now I am going to tag my cousins, Abby and Casen.