Yesterday, I turned 7 months old, and I got the best present, a new cousin! Hudson Blake Collins. I can't wait to meet him. We are going to be very big pals! Just like Abby and Libby.
As for me, I am getting to be a very big boy. My sleeping has greatly improved, and I am beginning to be mobile. I am dying to crawl, but since I can't figure it out yet, I just kinda scoot. I am starting to pull up on things that I can reach. I still love any food that you will give me. It shows because I am only 4 pounds lighter than my big sis! I am going to catch her in no time.
Thanks for checking on me!
We love you big boy and big (little) sis! That's so wonderful for baby Hudson to have Blake's name!! Congrats on the new nephew!!
Dear Knox,
Since you appear to be up on all 4's, will you teach me how to get there? I'm still not crawling and I'm not happy about it either. I let Mommy know about it ALL the time! Let's play soon!
Love your buddy,
I HAVE to meet him in person...I seriously could eat him. seriously.
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